So this past weekend I did something I never thought I'd do....I went to Boot Jack in West Ashley. For those of you who've never been there, it's Maaahhvelous. My inner redneck shined through. I was originally looking for some boots for work and couldn't decide between the steel-toe or the regular boots. After remembering how uncomfortable my steel-toed tennis shoes I had at Westinghouse were, I decided I won't be under that many cranes or heavy equipment on a daily basis so i'm not too worried about my safety in that regard. (that's why a hard hat's a good idea around cranes)
What is my fascination with Boot Jack? It reminds me a little bit of a store that I like to frequent when I'm in Columbia, Clothing World. They sell all sorts of things but mostly Carhartts, boots, fishing shirts, and all sorts of manly stuff. They even sell cowboy hats! I really do want to buy another cowboy hat one of these days. I have one an ex-girlfriend bought me many years ago and I'm afraid my head is too big for it now. It's a very nice one though, so i've kept it all these years.
So after my stupid story about finding another little redneck store that I can now frequent more often, why do we keep things from our past? I have a cowboy hat i can't wear (because it's now too small) and I'm sure I have a shirt or 2 that doesn't fit me anymore. There are very few things that I keep from past relationships. I tend to throw most things out (especially pictures/picture frames) and stupid trinkets that I know I'll never need. Is it a sign of holding on to our past or just me being a stupid pack-rat not wanting to throw something out?